Blog to keep an eye on: MuseumDesignLab

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

This blog documents the work of 18 students at the Parsons School of Design who will spend the next semester forecasting the future of 6 NYC-based museums: The American Museum of Natural History, The Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, The New York Hall of Science, The Museum of the American Indian, The Museum of Modern Art and The Tenement Museum. Under the guidance of professor Tim Ventimiglia, and using the CFM report Museums & Society 2034 as a jumping-off point, teams of students will forecast the issues each museum will face in the next 50 years, and create proposals for how the institutions can face these challenges. You can follow and comment on their work on the blog.

The site also includes a reading list and links to resources that may be of interest to other museum futurists…take a look!

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