4 thoughts on “The Future of the Campus Art Museum: Join the Conversation

  1. Beth – Thank you for including this conversation on your blog. In large part, I agree with the questions you raise. My part in this conversation urged colleagues to transfer learning from an ownership of knowledge model to a facilitation model. What continues to energize my thinking around the notion of campus museums as centers of innovation is that learning [in museums]comes from left field. It involves a lot of different sensory experiences. The sage on the stage model does not pertain – which means that other, perhaps playful models can emerge, in which cross-disciplinary ideas are the given. Imagine engineers teaming up with journalists and musicians, let's say, to produce work about mid-20th Century architecture, or Cubism, or the theory of relativity. Educate through engagement; tie interaction directly to lessons. My hope is that the conversation begun through The Future of the Campus Art Museum will not only spur more conversations but implementations.

  2. As a brand new campus art museum employee (Kansas State University's Beach Museum of Art), I'm anxious to dig into this material.

    Obviously, campus museums aren't immune to being politicized, but I'm enjoying an atmosphere that is conducive to interdisciplinary partnership.

    I look forward to the conversations here surrounding this topic!

  3. Thank you for raising the issue of "other" museums on campus. As we work to digitize our art collection, I continually raise the issue of the need to find a common platform to digitize ALL collections on campus (from library special collections to microscopes, from anthropology artifacts to the herbarbarium) to make them searchable from a common site. If people can encounter the primary materials of research in their internet searching, they can begin to make connections across and among collections. Art is one kind of artifact, but the exciting interdisciplinary exhibitions engage many kinds of artifacts, sometimes as art-like objects, but sometimes as carriers of other kinds of meaning.

  4. Thank you for posting an article that really challenges and reactivates the ways in which community, students, and museum professionals think about the futures of campus museums. I coordinate education and public programs for the Art Galleries at Bucknell University. One of our biggest challenges was pointed out in this study- how to cultivate interdisciplinary interest across campus. And, offer programs that interest both our tech-savy student groups, and the more traditional audiences from our pasts. Lots to think about and share with our staff. Thanks for continuing this discussion!

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