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Podcasting about Digital Learning

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog
I love museum podcasts. I love assembling Dispatches from the Future of Museums each week. So I was verypleased to be invited to combine these passions by contributing a segment to a new podcast exploring digital learning in museums. Especially as the invite came from Barry Joseph (aka Mooshme), my go-to blog source for commentary on the use of Minecraft, augmented reality, digital badging, games design and 3D printing in museum education.  Here’s an introduction to “Object-Oriented” from Barry and his co-hosts, Rik Panganiban and Eve Gaus. Enjoy!
There’s a bit of a not-so-secret, secret when attending professional development conferences: the best conversations happen outside the formal panels and presentations. Instead, they take place in those uncomfortable giant armchairs in the hotel lobby, or in the lingering moments after a panel has wrapped up. The question always is, how to meaningfully continue these conversations after the conference has finished and everyone has returned home. Launching this week is Object-Oriented, a new podcast that explores museums as innovation spaces for digital learning. Born out of a desire to continue those armchair conversations, Object-Oriented is a space to think, argue and converse with each other on what the future digital learning in museums looks like.

We three museum educators—Rik Panganiban (Senior Manager of Digital Learning at the California Academy of Sciences), Eve Gaus (Digital Learning Manager at The Field Museum), and Barry Joseph(Associate Director of Digital Learning at the American Museum of Natural History)—launched this podcast to examine emerged and emerging issues in digital learning and discusses how museums function in this digital space, particularly in regard to youth programming. In the first episode, we explore the idea of the digital lens and whether it distracts from a visitor’s learning experience at the museum or whether it extends the experience and allows the visitor to engage on a deeper level. Using examples from educational programs run at our own museums and others, we debate what, if any, role the digital lens has in museums.
Don’t miss the concluding segment of the podcast where we have a “News From The Future” segment, with guest Elizabeth Merritt, Founding Director of the Center for the Future of Museums, American Alliance of Museums, where we explore future trends in digital learning. Future episodes of the show will include an exploration of game based learning and teaching with scientists.
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Keep up-to-date with our latest news on our blog, Object Oriented, or by following us on Twitter at @ooriented. Have a question for one of us? Tweet us at, @riktheranger, @mmmooshme, and @gauseve.

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