I’ll be giving a workshop at the AAM annual meeting in New Orleans where I’ll share some foresight activities you can use to enliven your own institutional planning. The workshop will run from 1 to 4 pm on the final day of the conference—Wednesday, May 22.
We will run through some exercise you can replicate at your own institutions:
The Thing From the Future: an award-winning imagination game created by my colleagues at Situation Lab that challenges players to collaboratively and competitively describe objects from a range of alternative futures.
Implications Wheels: an exercise that helps you explore a range of plausible ways that important issues may play out in coming years. Starting with a provocative statement about a potential disruption (“ “) you’ll explore several ways this event may play out over time.
The Foresight Game: adapted from the Institute for the Future’s Foresight Engine, this game leads small groups through the process of exploring “mini-forecasts” about the future, weighing in on whether a given forecast is likely or unlikely, exploring the implications, and identifying the most profound disruptions that could shake up your planning.
I’ll be sharing tips, templates, and sample agendas that I hope will encourage you to organize some futures activities for your colleagues back home.
I kept it as inexpensive as possible—the $50 fee covers materials, handouts, snacks and AV fees. Enrollment is limited to 50, so you might want to sign up soon.
Registration for the annual meeting is now open, so hop on over to nab your spot at A Futuring Workshop.
See you in New Orleans!
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