Ending the COVID-19 pandemic, stemming the death toll, and enabling people to return to work hinges on our country’s ability to effectively distribute and administer the vaccinations that have proven effective against the novel coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National lnstitutes of Health (NIH), has said that the US will reach “herd immunity” (at which point unvaccinated individuals have significant protection from the virus) when around 70 to 90 percent of the population has been vaccinated. At the current rate of vaccination, the country will reach the bottom end of that range in July 2021. Many variables affecting the rate of vaccination, such as supply and distribution, are outside the control of individual organizations. But museums can and are helping to accelerate the vaccination roll-out by building confidence in the vaccine, and by serving as accessible, community-based vaccination centers.
The American Alliance of Museums offers information related to museums and COVID-19 vaccinations. The information shared here is based on the best available information as of publication. Museums are encouraged to seek legal and other expert advice on their specific circumstances.
Click here to download the full Museums and COVID-19 Vaccinations Fact Sheet.