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August Appropriations Update: Keep Speaking Up for Museums

Category: Advocacy Alert

In this Alliance Advocacy Alert:

  • August Appropriations Update: Keep Speaking Up for Museums – Contact Congress

    #InviteCongress 2024: It’s Time for Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum

  • Civic Holidays 2024:Resources to Get #VoteReady Today

Prior to the August Congressional recess, the full Senate Appropriations Committee on August 1 approved the Labor-HHS-Education and Related Agencies Appropriations bill and released report language with Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) budget details (pp. 312-314), which included a recommendation of $51.3 million in FY 2025 funding for the Office of Museum Services (OMS) programs. The result, if enacted, would be a $4.2 million funding reduction of overall museum programs from the agency’s historic high of $55.5 million – a disappointing result even acknowledging the tight budget caps restraining the Senate’s FY 2025 spending.

Not all programs would be cut. Some would be increased and others would remain level. Museums for America would be funded at $28,730,000 a $1.4 million increase. Native American/Hawaiian Museum Services would be level funded at $3,772,000. National Leadership Grants would be funded at $9,348,000, a $1 million reduction. The 21st Century Museum Professional program would be reduced in half to $1 million. African American History and Culture Act Grants and National Museum of the American Latino Act Grants would each be funded at $4,200,000, a $1.8 million reduction to each program. In addition, the bill would provide $24,000,000 ($1.35 million increase) for overall IMLS Administration and $5,500,000 for overall IMLS Research, Analysis and Data Collection ($150,000 reduction).

On the House side, the House Appropriations Committee approved a bill on July 10 that if enacted would slash funding for OMS and IMLS. (See the July 19 Advocacy Alert for details).
Regardless of the above developments, the appropriations process has a long way to go. Similar to previous years, Congress is unlikely to pass all appropriations bills by October 1 and is expected to require a (or multiple) Continuing Resolution(s) or CR(s) to keep the federal government operating and there’s always potential for a federal government shutdown. Negotiations are unlikely to be resolved prior to the December holidays. In the meantime, it’s critical for you to keep up your efforts urging your legislators’ support for at least $55.5 million for OMS.

Contact Congress: Support Critical Funding for Museums

NEH and NEA: In late July, the full Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill with a funding increase of $2 million for FY 2025 for each the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for a total of $209 million each. Previously, the House of Representatives passed a bill that if enacted would cut funding to $203 million for each agency. Senate and House negotiators will need to resolve the differences in the coming weeks. Please contact Congress now to urge support of at least $209 million for the NEH and NEA.


#InviteCongress 2024: It’s Time for Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum

Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum week is just around the corner on August 12-16!
Do you have plans for legislators or staff to visit your museum this month? Since 2012, #InviteCongress has empowered museums of all types and sizes to invite their federal, state, and local legislators and stakeholders in to the museum for a firsthand look at the meaningful work of museums and museum professionals. Inviting legislators and their staff to experience your museum and its programs is a powerful way to create valuable relationships with them and help them become uniquely invested in the museum. The August Congressional work period provides a critical and timely opportunity for museum advocates to build and strengthen important federal, state, and local support for museums.

Make your plans with our full How-To Guide, which includes these and other resources to help you:

  • Find your legislators and their offices’ local contact information
  • Send an invitation to your legislators’ offices using our template

  • Get step-by-step guidance for planning and preparing for your visit, including key “asks” for federal legislators:

Be sure to share your plans with us and use #InviteCongress on social media!

Civic Holidays 2024: Resources to Get #VoteReady Today

Nonprofits, including museums, can play a powerful civic engagement role in their communities. AAM is again participating as a national community partner of National Voter Registration Day and the additional Civic Holidays, including National Voter Education Week and Vote Early Day. Our expansive Nonprofit Voter Resources provide a wide range of information about the many ways museums and nonprofits can engage in advocacy, lobbying, and permissible nonpartisan voter engagement activities. These free informational resources are available to help you and your organization participate and ensure that as many communities as possible are #VoteReady and prepared to make their voices heard in the democratic process.

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