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Museum Social Impact in Practice Launches with Forty Museum Participants


Arlington, VA–Today, the American Alliance of Museums announced forty museums participating in the upcoming Museum Social Impact in Practice (MSIIP) cohort, which will launch in Fall 2024. MSIIP responds to the challenge museums of all sizes and types share when trying to understand and articulate their value to society.

Through professional development and skill-building opportunities, MSIIP cohort museums will learn how to effectively leverage social impact data that helps make the case for museums to various stakeholders and funders. The long-term goal of this initiative is to enhance the entire museum field’s ability to use social impact data to advance their institutions through advocacy and build stronger, more informed relationships with their local community, funders, and stakeholders.

After a competitive application process, the museums selected to participate represent 25 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. They will engage in a multi-year study to measure and analyze their social and community impact that will include training around implementing a validated museum social impact survey and analyzing resulting data; joining monthly Community of Practice meetings; and utilizing and testing new advocacy tools that will help the field better use social impact data. Participant museums will be better able to measure their social impact, connect with their peers in the field conducting similar work, and advocate for their organizations based on their findings.

This group of institutions represents the diversity of America’s museums, from small, regional art museums and historic houses to larger institutions. It includes children’s museums, science centers, historic houses, anthropology museums, university museums, zoos, visitors centers, presidential libraries, and natural history museums.

MSIIP is a three-year initiative led by AAM and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It builds on eight years of experience in groundbreaking work through the Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) project, which concluded in 2023. With leadership from the Utah Division of Arts & Museums (UA&M) and Thanksgiving Point, MOMSI addressed the critical need to establish best practices for measuring social impact within the museum field, advancing museum practice by measuring the social impact museums have on visitors, and developing a valid tool for museums to better understand their social impact on individuals and communities.


This project is made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, award number MG-252969-OMS-23.



About the American Alliance of Museums

The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) is the only organization representing the entire museum field, from art and history museums to science centers and zoos. Since 1906, AAM has been championing museums through advocacy and providing museum professionals with the resources, knowledge, inspiration, and connections they need to move the field forward.

AAM’s Alliance of 35,000 museums and museum professionals seeks to better our communities, and our world, through collaborative human-centered experiences, education, and connection to histories, cultures, the natural world, and one another.




Press Contact:

Natanya Khashan

American Alliance of Museums

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