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  1. The museum experience for people with low vision should also be a consideration.
    Today in a class discussion about the museum experience a student reported that a group of older patrons were cautioned by a security guard for getting too close to the item on display. What they were doing is bending to read the miniscule print label describing the item.
    I always ask if there is a handout in large print of labels at an exhibit. Once in a while there, but the answer is usually no.

    1. Seconding this! I have seen some great large print labels at museums around the world. They’re inexpensive to produce and easy to handle, making them perfect for those with low vision and reduced dexterity needs. My favorite method of distribution I’ve seen is a box with laminated printouts so visitors can take them as needed rather than needing to request from staff; by putting these directly in the exhibition space (and not at a desk) it also makes it possible for visitors to choose their own navigation without having to double back.

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