Renton History Museum in Renton, Washington
Before MAPs:
- Lack of intellectual control of collections
- Public unaware of collections work
- Lack of education programming
- Inadequate collections storage space
- Difficulty marketing Museum programs
- Financial sustainability issues
After 3 MAPS: (2005-2014)
- First-ever inventory completed by interns
- Created collections priority list to plan resources and guide work
- Increased number of artifact donations in desired areas
- Greater collections-specific monetary donations
- Made Public Engagement Coordinator a 30-hour a week position
- New 3rd grade curriculum completed and formally adopted by Renton School District
- Four years of collaborative exhibits with Renton High School; 1000 students served
- Instituted teen advisory council, RenTeens
- Purchased offsite collections storage building
- Through grants, installed new collections furniture to improve storage
- Instituted quarterly event flyers
- Newsletter redesign, including events calendar
- Full utilization of online calendars
- Began using exterior banners and other exterior building improvements
- Redesigned logo and formulated style guide; re-worked all print and online materials
- Annual major fundraising events and annual giving campaign