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Futurist Friday: Bits to Bytes to Bits

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

Your Friday viewing assignment: a video from the Smithsonian flaunting their 3D scanning and printing chops. These projects, tackling objects ranging from orchids to gunboats, show how this rapidly accelerating technology can be harnessed for both research and public access. [< 4 minute vid.] 

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Vince Rossi and Adam Metallo, both featured in this short, will be joining us at the 3D printing demonstration CFM is hosting in the Alliance Showcase section of MuseumExpo at the annual meeting next week. They’ll be there all afternoon on Monday, May 20, and giving a brief talk at 1:30 pm on their work in the Showcase Theater. They will also tweet with us from the Alliance’s Social Media Desk from 9 – 10 am Monday morning–you can follow the discussion and tweet questions and comments using #AAM2013.

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