Bill Tramposch
2019 Aroha Fellow for Museums and Creative Aging, American Alliance of Museums
Recent Posts by Bill Tramposch
The Illusion of Old Age
Alliance Blog
One of the lesser-known essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson is on the topic of old age, or rather the illusions surrounding and benefits of advanced years. Curiously, in 1862 he was describing …
Simplifying Creative Aging
Alliance Blog
“What’s creative aging?” is a question that usually comes fast on the heels of mentioning the term. I have tried to explain it so many times that, for economy’s sake, I’ve developed ways to …
Revisiting the Summit on Creativity and Aging in America
Alliance Blog
The 2015 Summit on Creativity and Aging in America represented a key turning point in our country’s conversation about creative aging. Co-presented by the National Endowment for the Arts …
A Comedian’s Take on Aging
Alliance Blog
I once heard a comedian say that life is wonderful, just backward. He said that if he were God he would have had us born into old ague-ridden age (a seven, say, on the Shakespeare scale of …
The Upside of Aging
Alliance Blog
Paul Irving is the president of the Milken Institute, where he leads initiatives to improve public health and aging across America and the world. I have had the pleasure of communicating …
Creative Aging Strategies from Abroad
Alliance Blog
A couple of years ago, New Zealand’s Office for Seniors initiated the development of a “Healthy Ageing Strategy.” Toward that end, they invited leading national organizations …