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Headshot of Eli Burke

Eli Burke

Eli Burke was education director at MOCA Tucson until July 2021. He is now developing programs around and teaching human-centered design at the University of Arizona, where he is also a Ph.D. candidate in art and visual culture education.

Recent Posts by Eli Burke

The Queer Perspective

Category: Museum Magazine
This article originally appeared in the September/October 2021 issue of Museum magazine, a benefit of AAM membership. An intergenerational LGBTQIA+ arts program at the Museum of …

The Benefits and Challenges of Producing Creative Aging Programs for the LGBTQIA+ Community

Category: Alliance Blog
Since 2018, AAM has partnered with Aroha Philanthropies to highlight and support museums that are developing programs for older adults, and to encourage others to do the same. The aim has …

Digital Gold: Queering Flat Spaces

Category: Alliance Blog
As museums address issues of access to collections, galleries, and education during COVID-19, many have chosen to shift to a digital space to connect with the public and continue their …

An Intergenerational “School of Drag” Connects LGBTQIA+ Youth and Elders

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog
Last year, 20 organizations enrolled in a special museum cohort of Aroha Philanthropies’ Seeding Vitality Arts program. With funding from Aroha, and training provided by Lifetime …

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