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Nik Honeysett

Nik Honeysett is the Director and CEO of the Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC), a San Diego-based, non-profit consultancy that connects audiences to art, culture, and science. BPOC provides technology support and development services, as well as business and digital strategy for the cultural sector. Previously, Nik was the Head of Administration for the Getty Museum. He is a former board member of the American Alliance of Museums and Museum Computer Network, and current board member of Guru, a mobile experience startup. Nik can be found frequently speaking on a range of technical, business, and strategy opportunities and the various challenges facing the cultural sector today.

Recent Posts by Nik Honeysett

Ctrl+Alt+Preserve: Why Museums Must Invest in Digital Resilience

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog
One major theme of this year’s TrendsWatch report is the inherent fragility of digital records, tools, and services, and the need to plan for the long-term costs of keeping these assets …

The Digital Awakening

Category: Building Audiences
This article originally appeared in the November/December 2020 issue of Museum magazine, a benefit of AAM membership. Global disruption has demonstrated the need for a digital-first …

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