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Museums and YouTube: You’ll never believe these 3 tips to improve your channel

When the pandemic forced museums to make a hard pivot to online content, the importance of reaching audiences beyond gallery walls became clearer than ever. As The Historic New Orleans …

Our Opportunity for Change

Using media and technology in exhibition design leads to wider and deeper audience …

Get Your Geek On! How Museums Can Host Mission-Driven Community Conventions

Did you know that a freight elevator can just barely fit a life-size Tyrannosaurus rex puppet? We happened to learn this while getting ready for the Geek Con, an annual event held by the …

5 Ways Museums Can Engage Generation Z 

Technically speaking, Generation Z refers to those of us born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, but the term comes with a lot of extra ideas and stereotypes. Some call us “Generation …

The Path to Financial Recovery and Resilience: An #AAM2022 Keynote by Michael Bobbitt

Michael Bobbitt, Executive Director of Mass Cultural Council, opened the Financial Wellness focus area of the 2022 AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo with his keynote, “The Path to …

With Strategic Focus, TikTok Creates New Opportunities for Cultural Institutions to Inspire Critical Thinking and Constructive Dialogue

In September of 2021, TikTok surpassed one billion users, making it the fastest-growing social media app. The video-sharing platform allows users to post short-form videos, which are then …

Museums Change Their Approach to Showing White Male Artists

At art museums, the approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion is increasingly twofold. While many are pursuing exhibitions and acquisitions focused on underrepresented artists, they are …

A Long Way Home for ‘Looted’ Art Is Getting Shorter

The New York Times examines the increasing number of calls for museums to repatriate objects suspected of being obtained illegally and how some professionals, such as the Curator of …

Happy Earth Day: One thing you can do to take climate action now

Off the heels of its sustainability-themed conference, Blooloop shares resources for achieving the first step in any organization’s climate-conscious journey: measuring its carbon…

Museum sector enjoyed growing numbers of visitors in 2021

The Art Newspaper released its annual visitation survey for art museums around the world, and while numbers are still down from pre-pandemic levels, the results show that 2021 saw …

Community and collaboration at the High Museum of Art

“Oftentimes, organisations may fall into the trap of forgetting that they are a means and not an end. We have a role to do: all nonprofits exist to make the world a better place. Art …
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