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A Guided Wellness Workshop for Taking Care of Yourself Before Your Communities

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to join the AAM team for two wellness sessions in the lead-up to May’s Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo. Given the meeting’s wellness-focused theme, …

Reframing the Collection: How a Literary Catalog Experiment Brought New Voices to Interpretation

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art (Stanley) is part of the arts ecosystem at the country’s premier university for the study of creative writing. As a curatorial team, we have …

Faces of Baltimore Museums: Rachel Leeds

Have you heard about AAM 2024 in Baltimore this month? (We hope so—we’re doing our best!) If so, you might have seen one of our ads for this year’s edition, featuring a lovely …

Speaking the Audience’s Language: A Q&A with James Heaton

At some point in the pandemic, I was working on a project, and I needed a museum-based definition of a term relating to audience development and museum work. I started by flipping through a …

A Growing Backlash to DEI

Do you remember seeing this picture attempting to illustrate the difference between equality and equity? Now it also illustrates the latest battleground in the new culture wars. While a …

Neurodivergent Needs: A Q&A with ADDitude Magazine

If museums want to be welcoming and accessible, one of the areas they must consider is neurodiversity. How do the ways we process information and stimuli differ from person to person, and …
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