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What Makes a Museum Member?

Museums need to take a hybrid approach to the visit…

Monthly Subscriptions Make Membership Easy to Say Yes To

As cultural organizations continue to face declining membership and significant lost revenue during the pandemic, many are seeking ways to engage new audiences and retain existing members. …

Supporting Museum Professionals During a Time of Need

One of the best pieces of wisdom I’ve ever received came from a former boss of mine who later became a good friend. The year was 2009, almost a decade after our professional paths …

Become a Member of the American Alliance of Museums

 With AAM membership you receive access to thousands of resources and tools to ensure best practices, 50,000 other museum professionals to bounce ideas off of and ask advice from, and …

Access Thousands of Museum Resources with AAM Membership

AAM membership connects you to the resources you need to keep up with best practices in an ever-changing field. From research and reports to toolkits and professional development programs, …

Museum Pricing for Affordability and Profit

What does it cost to buy an airline ticket, book a rideshare service, or make a hotel reservation? Nowadays the answer to that question may vary minute-to-minute, as companies use data …

Connect and Network with 50,000 with AAM Membership

 AAM membership connects you to thousands of museum professionals from around the world. Whether you want to connect one-on-one, belong to a group of like-minded museum professionals, or …

Get Out of Town: Travel programs for creative agers

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” – Mark Twain An increasing number of museums are …

Membership Isn’t the Top of the Mountain

Eric Bruce is the Head of Visitor Experience at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia). This is the third article in a series we are presenting on how Mia has expanded its audience. In this …

How to Build a Membership Program

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2013 edition of Museum magazine. Whether you’re working to reshape an existing membership program, starting a new one or …

Join The Club: Museums develop new membership models

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2013 edition of Museum magazine. For most museum visitors, traditional membership offerings work like this: You give more, you get …

Get Your Group On

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2010 issue of Museum magazine, a benefit of AAM membership. In the early hours of Oct. 20, 2009, Will Cary sold nearly 100 memberships in …

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Where does my museum start with the new NAGPRA regulations

Category: Collections Stewardship
The following guidance was developed with the assistance of subject matter experts in the museum field. The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), enacted in 1990, …

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