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AAM’s education and interpretation programs cover topics that range from strategic planning in small museums to writing an education-focused mission statement.

On-demand programs are free to Individual, Ally, Industry, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Members. Be sure to log in to your membership account to access these programs.

Building Equity: K-12 Education in Museums

Watch this engaging conversation between Keahe Davis, Ah-Young Kim, Kelly Williams, and Tara Young as they discuss the state of museums and K-12 education. They talk about where we are and …

Trendswatch: Museum Schools as Community Infrastructure

Blackbaud hosted the annual TrendsWatch webinar, this year focusing on Museum Schools as Community Infrastructure. Hear about how museums have stepped up to fill in the gaps for PreK-12 …

Integrating Civic Learning Across Museum Education

For years, museums have wondered how to be more relevant and to embrace our identities as civic institutions. At a time when multiple pandemics and crises of governance face the country and …

Interpretive Planning for Small Museums

Watch this recorded webinar to learn why interpretive planning is an important part of an organizational plan and what to consider in your planning process, including your museum’s …

Required Elements of an Education-Focused Mission Statement

Watch this recorded webinar where colleagues explore the required elements of an education-focused mission statement based on national standards, why your museum needs an effective mission …

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Latest Stories from AAM

Demystifying Accreditation: Perspective from Peer Reviewers

Category: Alliance Blog
AAM accreditation comes with significant benefits, including national credibility, enhanced relationships with peers and supporters, and institutional sustainability. But what does the …

Breaking Down Visitation by Museum Type: A 2024 Annual Survey of Museum-Goers Data Story

Category: Alliance Blog
This visual Data Story is based on findings from the 2024 Annual Survey of Museum-Goers, a national survey of American museum visitors from AAM and Wilkening Consulting. Every year, the …

Speak Up for Museums This Week!

Category: Advocacy Alert
Amplify Museum Voices  Hundreds of your museum colleagues are participating in Museums Advocacy Day this week, and YOU can back them up by sending letters or calling your members of …

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