Event Information
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern Time
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that even our best-laid plans can wither in the face of unanticipated disruptions. How can we do a better job of anticipating the real future, with all its twists and turns? Enter strategic foresight, the systematic process of scanning for changes on the margins before they become major forces in the mainstream. The Center for the Future of Museums recently released a Strategic Foresight toolkit that can teach you the ropes, offering a comprehensive overview of how to use strategic foresight in your planning, plus slide decks, worksheets, and games to exercise your creativity. Join Elizabeth Merritt, AAM’s Vice President of Strategic Foresight and Founding Director of the Center for the Future of Museums, as she leads you through an overview of what strategic foresight is and an exercise to nurture your inner futurist.
Click here to register!
This workshop will be recorded with the intention of using specific segments describing the use of the Strategic Foresight Toolkit for additional audiences. All segments that contain personal statements and views of attendees will be used only with explicit consent from those individuals.
The statements and opinions expressed by panelists, hosts, attendees, or other participants of this event are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor are endorsed by, the American Alliance of Museums.