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Report: Cultural Institutions’ 2022-2023 Investment Policies, Practices, & Performance

Download the report Introduction In 2023, the American Alliance of Museums, Fiducient Advisors, and The Morton Arboretum conducted a national investment benchmarking study aimed at …

Nonprofit Power: Engaging Voters for a More Inclusive Democracy – webinar

Learn more about engaging voters for a more inclusive democracy in Nonprofit Vote’s Nonprofit Po…


Learn more about voting in your state and what’s on …

Student Voting Resources and Frequently Asked Questions’s voting resource list includes links to campus organizations, registration portals…


APIAVote is dedicated to engaging, educating, and empowering AAPI communities to strengthen their voices and cre…

Arab American Institute (AAI)

The Arab American Institute Foundation is a national civil rights advocacy organization that provides strategic analysis to policy makers and community members to strengthen democracy, …

NALEO Educational Fund

The nation’s leading non-profit, non-partisan organization that facilitates full Latino participation in the American political process, from citizenship to publ…

Election Protection coalition

The national, nonpartisan Election Protection coalition ( works year-round to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have that …

Using Social Media to Promote Voting

Nonprofits increasingly use social media to communicate with supporters and the public, attract new members, mobilize public opinion, and promote civic engagement. This resource was …

Voter Registration and Engagement Timeline

Register people to vote! Do nonpartisan voter registration, including voter registration drives and providing federal and state voter registr…

IRS Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations

If you work for a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit, your museum receives certain tax benefits. With these advantages comes the requirement that 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations not participate …

How 501(c)(3)s Can Talk to Candidates During an Election Year

Bolder Advocacy provides access to the How 501(c)(3)s Can Talk to Candidates During an Election Year Fact Sheet. This resource was collected from an organization in the nonprofit or museum …
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