When Is My Museum’s Next Review?
To help ensure that accredited museums maintain their level of professional performance, they must undergo periodic reviews-typically every 10 years-beginning with the Self-Study.
For museums that received the 5-year cycle extension:
In 2010, most accredited museums received the one-time, temporary cycle extension that lengthened the time between accreditation reviews (the “cycle”) from 10 years to 15 years.
Unless the museum was flagged for an early review (shorter cycle), the extended review cycle generally follows this schedule:
If last accredited in: | Next review starts no earlier than: |
2006 | 2019 |
2007 | 2020 |
2008 | 2021 |
2009 | 2022 |
2010 | 2023 |
2011 | 2024 |
Refer to the previous accreditation award letter:
Museums that were awarded accreditation in 2010 and beyond will have the correct review date/Self-Study due date stated in the Commission’s decision letter.
Accreditation Program staff will contact the museum at least a year in advance:
Program Officers email the museum’s Director a year or more in advance of its review. Program Officers confirm the Self-Study due date, and provide all the materials to get the museum started on its review.
Program Officers follow-up at regular intervals until the Self-Study is submitted.
Contact Accreditation Program staff:
Email accreditation@aam-us.org or call (202) 289-9116.