Accreditation & Excellence Programs

Qualities of a Successful Accreditation Review

Successful Accreditation reviews share the following qualities:


The museum’s director and governing authority share a strong commitment to the accreditation process. They are active participants in the process and ensure that the museum fulfills its
responsibilities (e.g., meeting deadlines and complying with program guidelines and Commission requests) even if coordination of the process is delegated to another senior staff member. They
allocate appropriate human and financial resources necessary for the process.

Broad Involvement and Buy-in

All members of the governing authority, staff, and volunteers are kept informed about the process; understand their role and the importance of the effort; and have the chance to
participate and contribute in some way.

The Right Reasons

The museum participates in the Accreditation Program voluntarily. It pursues accreditation for the long-term benefits that emerge from the process, for the status, and because it believes in the value of self-assessment and public accountability. Seeking accreditation is a shared institutional goal.


Open communication among all the players at the museum and with the Accreditation  Program staff is an important ingredient.

Commitment to Change

The governing authority, director, and staff are committed to making necessary improvements in the museum, even if the accreditation process must be delayed as a result.

Accuracy and Openness

The Self-Study questions are answered accurately, clearly, and thoroughly, and supporting materials are complete, current, and well organized. Discussions with the Visiting Committee
members during the site visit are candid and professional.

Preparation and Planning

The museum does its homework; establishes schedules and priorities; and appropriately delegates responsibilities. It schedules sufficient time for preparation and ensures the accreditation review proceeds on schedule.

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