Advocate from Anywhere
You don’t have to be in Washington, D.C. to make the case for museums. Your voice matters wherever you are advocating from. Use the advocacy tools below to join the cause and speak up for museums during Museums Advocacy Day and throughout the year.
There’s never been a more critical time to advocate for museums and your role in the field. The Alliance has been working hard to advocate for the museum field, and provide you the resources needed to let your legislators know the impact the pandemic has had on you and your museum and that museums are essential community infrastructure. Together we can effectively advocate for the value of museums, their power to change the world, and their essential roles in sustaining strong, inclusive, and resilient communities by enriching education systems, bolstering economies, and strengthening the social fabric of communities.
Since March 2020 more than 80,000 messages have been sent to Congress over the Alliance’s online advocacy tools – messages that continue to be critical to securing support for museums. Learn more about ways you can advocate today.
Take Action: Contact and Connect with Congress
- Throughout the year Congress considers many legislative issues affecting museums and it’s critical they hear from constituents like you as policy decisions are being made. Our template messages make communicating with your legislators easy. The templates include key issue information. You can personalize and send messages to your legislators with just a few clicks.
Also download your copy of the AAM Guide to Working with a New Congress!
Invite Lawmakers to Visit Your Museum
- There’s never been a more important time to engage with the elected officials and stakeholders that represent you and your museum. Our Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum materials – including information on participating in and hosting virtual events and telephone meetings in addition to in-person events – make it easy for museums of all types and sizes to participate and connect with your elected officials each summer and throughout the year. Don’t forget to use #InviteCongress on social media!
- You can easily adapt the Invite Congress materials to use for hosting your local and state government officials as well.
Download and Share Critical Data
Museums as Economic Engines
- Did you know that the total economic contribution of museums in 2016 amounted to more than $50 billion in GDP, 726,200 jobs, and $12 billion in taxes to local, state, and federal governments? Get the full, free report and download the your state’s infographic.
Museums & Public Opinion
- National public opinion polling shows that Americans overwhelmingly appreciate and recognize the work of museums as educational and economic assets to their communities. Even more, Americans broadly support federal funding of museums and approve of lawmakers who take action to support them. The data speaks clearly, Americans value the museums in their communities.
Museum Facts
- Museums are community anchors and economic engines. They are trusted, they partner with schools, and they serve the whole public. Download our Museum Facts PDF, which includes the updated infographic for 2025 (pp. 1-2) and details pages following to learn more.
Alliance Advocacy Alerts
- Your voice matters. Members of Congress carefully consider input from their constituents when making policy decisions and casting votes. See recent calls-to-action and stay up-to-date on timely opportunities to weigh-in with your federal legislators. Email us to sign up for Alliance Advocacy Alerts.
Alliance Policy Issues
- The Alliance closely tracks several legislative and policy issues affecting museums—including funding for grant-making federal agencies, tax incentives for charitable giving, education policy and more. See our Policy Issues and related information for a detailed look at these priorities and how policymakers can advance them, then contact your legislators to speak up for museums!
Nonprofit Voter Resources
- The Alliance shares these extensive informational materials providing answers to frequently asked questions about how nonprofits, including museums, and their staff and leadership can participate in advocacy and lobbying and nonpartisan voter engagement.
Build Your Advocacy Skills
We offer a deep bench of advocacy resources and tools to make it easy for you to join the cause and make the case for your museum and the cause of museums, no matter your current position or advocacy experience level. Being able to effectively advocate for yourself, your work, and your museum is a lifelong professional and leadership skill. Get started today.
- Find your legislators and learn more about getting to know them.
- Create Economic and Educational Impact Statements.
- Engage your board in your advocacy efforts.
- Learn about the Policy Issues.
Get Involved in Year-Round Advocacy
Advocacy is a long-term effort that involves cultivating relationships and constant engagement. It is important to engage in advocacy at all levels of the government.
- Create a Year-Round Advocacy Plan.
- Get ideas for year-round advocacy.
Engage Your Board in Advocacy
Download our report and discussion guide on how your museum and trustees can be more effective at integrating advocacy into the work of your board. Download your copy of Stand for Your Mission now and visit the Stand for Your Mission website. Learn more about the role your board can play.
Museums Advocacy Day Videos – Get Inspired!
See and share these short videos to get inspiration for Museums Advocacy Day and year-round advocacy for museums.
- Using Our Voice to Speak Up for Museums
- Telling Our Powerful Stories
- Working Together Toward a Common Goal
Learn more about Museums Advocacy Day and get the Advocate Materials.
Speak Up for Museums on Social Media
Looking for ways to share about Museums Advocacy Day in your communications or social media posts? Check out these Digital Engagement Kits:
- If you are a participating advocate, access this kit.
- If you are with a museum with representatives participating in Museums Advocacy Day, access this kit.
- If you are a Museums Advocacy Day Partner, access this kit.
If you’re looking to share or join the conversation on social media throughout your participation in Museums Advocacy Day and beyond, check out these resources and tips:
- Find sample social media posts for anyone to use and refer to your kit for more ideas
- Graphics for Advocacy that can accompany your social media posts
- Get social! Tag your legislators to thank them for meeting with you or share why museums are important using #MuseumsAdvocacy2025 and #MuseumsAdvocacy
Tag us in your posts! Instagram @aamersofficial | Facebook or LinkedIn: American Alliance of Museums | X: @aamers