Building Audiences

Building Millennial Audiences: Strategies from Funders and the Field

AAM Watch & Talks provide a unique opportunity for museum professionals at any stage in their career to engage with video content in a real-time group setting. In order to most effectively facilitate a discussion at your museum, AAM will provide the pre-recorded video content as well as a sample agenda with discussion prompts and activity instructions. Using pre-recorded video content provides flexibility for Watch & Talk hosts to schedule real-time events whenever is most convenient. Watch & Talks are also a great opportunity for colleagues of all levels of tenure to hone their facilitation skills.

Content Description

Download the full host and discussion guide.

The video content for this Watch & Talk was captured from a panel and subsequent interviews at AAM’s 2018 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona: “Building Millennial Audiences: Barriers and Opportunities” featuring Christine Yoon, Program Officer for the Arts at the Wallace Foundation; Mariana Shepard, Associate Director of Education and Public Programs at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans, LA; and Rand Suffolk, Nancy & Holcombe T. Green Jr. Director at the High Museum in Atlanta, GA. The content description is as follows:

What do you know about millennials and the best ways to reach them? In these three videos, learn practical, research-driven steps from funders at the Wallace Foundation and other museums and cultural organizations to successfully engage this audience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn effective strategies for millennial audience engagement based on Wallace
  • Gain insight on research regarding millennials’ appetite for arts- and culture-related
    activities as opposed to other leisure activities
  • Explore barriers and opportunities for attracting and retaining millennials and successful
    programmatic and communications strategies for reaching them
    Please reference the Agenda and Discussion Guide, appendix A, for links to the video content as
    well as details about the run of show.

Learn From Experts in the Field:

Christine Yoon: A Funder’s Perspective


Mariana Sheppard: A Staff Perspective


Rand Suffolk: A Director’s Perspective


Discuss with Your Group:

Download the discussion guide here or by clicking the image below:

If you hosted a Watch & Talk using this content, please let us know! You can send an image from your event or provide your feedback to

This project was supported by The Wallace Foundation. To learn more about using data to inform programming and engaging audiences, check out the Wallace Foundation’s Knowledge Center.

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