Information Center

Find the answers to your burning questions through our digital resource library, sample documents database, and customized assistance service.

Resource Library

AAM provides a wealth of information and resources for the museum community, on a variety of topics including

  • Collections stewardship
  • Education and interpretation
  • Facilities and risk management
  • Financial stability
  • Governance and support organizations
  • Human resources
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Mission and institutional planning

Sample Documents

AAM maintains an online collection of more than 1,000 sample policies, plans, and forms from museums of all types and sizes. Staff of Tier 3 museum members can login and search our samples.

Customized Assistance

Sometimes museum staff require specific assistance on a particular topic of interest or gathering information that may not be readily available on our website. AAM provides customized assistance to Tier 3 Museum Members.

Customized assistance inquiries are completely confidential. Our expert staff will gather resources on your topic and return comprehensive and objective findings to you.

Staff of Tier 3 Museum Members click here to request customized assistance.

AAM Member-Only Content

AAM Members get exclusive access to premium digital content including:

  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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AAM Member-Only Content

AAM Members get exclusive access to premium digital content including:

  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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