May/June 2024 Preview

Preview the issue:

Wellbeing Journeys

This issue of Museum magazine brings you an in-depth look into many of the topic explorations that were taking place at the 2024 AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo in May. Preview the content below for insights on personal, organizational, and societal wellbeing which were the crux of the 2024 annual meeting theme, Thriving Museums, Healthy Communities.

Individual and Museum Tier 2, Tier 3, Ally, and Industry Members can access the full digital edition, which includes all articles, more news from across the field, and other features including news from the team at AAM.

In this issue:

From the President

The Curious Life

“As we delve into the intersection of museums, health, and wellbeing—the central focus of this year’s AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo and this magazine issue—it’s essential to consider how we can amplify this impact within our communities. We must find novel ways to welcome people into our spaces and then show them that we’re trustworthy and have something to offer. And as you contemplate how you can turn your museum into a community hub… I hope you will tap into the experience and wisdom of your museum peers. Just as we are stronger in our personal lives when connected to our communities, we are stronger as a field when we work together, rooting for each other’s success.”

» Read the full introduction to the issue. This is the first address to Museum readers from AAM’s new President and CEO, Marilyn Jackson, in which she shares about her previous work and early experiences with museums!

2024 Product Preview Guide - click to view the PDF of some of the companies sharing their expertise at AAM 2024 in Baltimore!

Striking a Balance

Feature | Free to Read

by Nisha Gulati, Mirella Rangel, and Kim Ondreck Carim

The Oakland Museum of California has changed its financial decision-making to prioritize social cohesion.

Partnering for Community Healing and Change

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by Xoe Fiss and Patty Bode

Museums can play a role in destigmatizing addiction disorder.

Creating Restorative Moments

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by Lauren Carroll-Bolger

Woodland Park Zoo’s Hope & Healing offers uplifting community experiences for people facing life-altering challenges.

Supporting Those Who Give Care

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by Susan Witmer Wolffe and Margaret S. Chisolm

The Baltimore Museum of Art has partnered with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to better prepare medical students.

Probing Grief

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by Callie Hawkins and Rob DeHart

Historic house museums can connect their physical spaces with personal experiences, including grief.

Designing a Watershed Experience

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by Miriam Valle-Mancilla and Marissa Kucheck

With its exhibition on water, the Ontario
Museum of History & Art aims to educate
and empower its community and address
its wellbeing.

The Museum and the Mind

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by Susan Magsamen

The field of neuroarts is documenting how the arts and aesthetic experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior.

May/June 2024 issue

By the Numbers:
Thriving Museums, Healthy Communities

The Annual Survey of Museum-Goers asked visitors how museums affect their health and wellbeing. Here are some highlights:

3 out of 5

think museums should share multiple viewpoints so visitors can consider perspectives other than their own. Explore »

9 out of 10

think museums help them feel more connected to others, more specifically: Half feel more connected to those from different cultures. Half feel more connected to nature, including the animals that inhabit our planet. Explore »


think all museums support emotional wellbeing. Explore »


think museums provide intellectual stimulation and support cognitive health. Explore »

» Explore more Data Stories from the Annual Survey of Museum-Goers.

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Coming Up:

July/August 2024 – Polarization

September/October 2024 – Leadership

November/December 2024 – DEAI, with pitches due July 8, 2024

» Explore the Editorial Calendar for potential topics under each theme.

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