Professional Development Programs
Online and in-person programs to help you do your job and manage your career.
AAM On-Demand Programs
Free for AAM members
Watch over 160+ recorded programs covering a range of topics.
Alliance Blog
Read about current practice in the field.
Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo
Discounts for AAM members
Network, learn and recharge at the world’s largest convening of museum professionals.
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
Read frequent posts about emerging ideas from CFM director Elizabeth Merritt and numerous guest authors.
Field-wide Events Calendar
Explore a world of professional development programs from across the museum field!
Future of Museums Summit
Discounts for AAM members
Attend a live, virtual summit in the fall to explore actionable insights about the trends impacting the future of museum work.
MuseumExpert Recorded Webinars
Watch these recorded webinars from our partner MuseumExpert, topics range from diversity in the workforce to the post-COVID museum.
Museums Advocacy Day
Discounts for AAM members
Help make the case for why museums matter!
Bookstore & Toolkits
Discounts for AAM members
Read up on the latest on museum practice and use our tactical toolkits to enhance your work or learn a new skill.