
Browse books, reports, and toolkits, as well as discounts for AAM Members.

Book Titles

From titles covering DEAI and governance to exhibitions and digital, the Alliance partners with Rowman & Littlefield to publish the best and most comprehensive literature for and about museum work with a well-established commercial publisher in the museum field. AAM members receive 20% off all AAM titles when they use promo code AAMPRESS20.

Browse the catalog of New Books for Museum Professionals!

Interested in becoming a published author?

AAM is always looking for new book ideas that interest a significant segment of the museum community. If you’re interested in submitting a proposal as an author or editor, learn more about publishing through AAM Press.

A guide to making the museum experience
Creating Great Visitor Experiences
Making Dinosaurs Dance
Museum Accessibility by Design
Designing for Empathy
Family Spaces in Art Museums


Toolkits include detailed guidance, worksheets, and more to help you better understand challenges in the museum field and how you can address them. From creating your five core documents to refreshing your volunteer program, toolkits can provide the helpful guidance you need when you need it most.

Designing a Museum Volunteer Program


Guidance, policies, worksheets, and real-life examples you need to create an incredible volunteer program at your museum.

From the Ground Up: A Toolkit for Starting a Museum


A comprehensive guide to the basics of creating, launching, and operating a sustainable museum.

Strategic Foresight


Worksheets, slide presentations, and games to help you build your foresight skills. The toolkit can be used for staff and team training in the basic tools of futurism and help you integrate foresight into planning and operations.

Mastering Your Museum’s Core Documents


Guidance and resources to create exceptional core documents: mission statements, codes of ethics, strategic plans, disaster preparedness and emergency response plans, and collections management policies.

Speaking Up: Museum Advocacy in Action


A practical guide for nonprofit advocacy with tips on how to tell the stories of your museum’s important activities and contributions to policymakers, the press, and the public.

Reopening Starter Kit for Museums


A starter kit for museums reopening after pandemic closures. Customizable health and safety posters and decals, messaging templates, and checklists to make this task a little less daunting.

Interested in creating a toolkit for the field?

A toolkit should be a compilation of authoritative and adaptable resources that enable people to learn about an issue and identify approaches for addressing it. If you want to create a toolkit for the museum field, pitch your idea using our idea submission form.


National Standards and Best Practices

Free to AAM members, $14.95 for nonmembers. Print copies can be purchased through Rowman and Littlefield.

This publication is a full outline of museum operating standards in areas from public accountability to facilities and risk management, and an essential guide any museum striving to meet best practices in its operations. An introductory section explains how virtually anyone associated with museums will find the book valuable, from trustees to staff to funders and the media.

General Facility Report

Reporting template, discounts for AAM Members

The updated (2019) General Facility Report provides the template to record the latest information about an institution’s physical specifications and staff practices. The streamlined standard form expedites the exchange of information critical to lenders and insurers. Architects and designers will want to use this form as a handy checklist for construction and engineering.

Direct Care of Collections: Ethics, Guidelines, and Recommendations

Free report

This report includes field-wide guidance on the use of proceeds from the sale of deaccessioned objects. It focuses specifically on direct care. Updated in 2019.

2024 Museum Board Leadership

Free report

This 2024 report highlights the critical strides museum boards have taken with diversity and inclusion in recent years, as well as the many challenges and opportunities to further equity in the highest ranks of museum leadership and improve overall efficacy.

2017 Museum Board Leadership

Free report

Museum Board Leadership 2017, commissioned by AAM, grades boards on a wide variety of policies, practices, and performance. The survey was conducted in partnership with BoardSource and Northern Trust.

Stand for Your Mission: The Power of Board Advocacy

Free report

This report, in partnership with BoardSource, is a discussion guide for museum leaders—especially directors and trustees—to get involved with advocacy.

Building the Future of Education: Museums and the Learning Ecosystem

Free report

A full outline of museum standards. This guide is an essential reference work for any museum striving to meet best practices in its operations.

2017 Salary Survey


Prepared in partnership with the six regional museum associations (Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Mountain-Plains, New England, Southeastern, and Western) and five state museum associations (California, Florida, New York, Texas, and Virginia), the 2017 National Museum Salary Survey is the only comprehensive study of its kind for our diverse field.

2014 Salary Survey

Free report for AAM Tier 3 Members and Individual Members

Prepared in collaboration with AMM, MAAM, MPMA, NEMA, SEMC, and WMA, the 2014 National Comparative Museum Salary Survey is a comprehensive study.

2012 Salary Survey

Free Report for AAM Members

Prepared in collaboration with AMM, MPMA, NEMA, and SEMC. Together, these associations represent 36 states, 64% of the American population and approximately two-thirds of all museums in the United States.

Speak Up for Museums: The AAM Guide to Advocacy

Report, free to AAM members

Speak Up For Museums is full of smart, practical advice on how to be an effective advocate, making it essential reading for everyone from paid and volunteer staff to your board of trustees.

Building a Sustainable Nonprofit Organization

Workbook. $9.95 for AAM Members, $14.95 for nonmembers

In this e-workbook, available as PDF download, management consultant John Durel demonstrates how museums and other cultural nonprofits can become more sustainable organizations. Durel makes the distinction between “sustainable” and “viable,” discusses the importance of strategic thinking, and presents the “Four Essential Elements of Sustainability.” The workbook includes CEO Assessment tools, a CEO Action Plan, and multiple graphs of Key Financial Indicators for use in helping your institution get on the path to long-term sustainability.

TrendsWatch 2012-2016

Cover Images of TrendsWatch Issues from 2012-2017This bundled set contains the first five editions of the Center for the Future of Museums’ annual forecasting report, covering a total of 30 trends of enduring importance to museums.

Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research. The reports:

explore how each trend is playing out in the world

investigate what this means for society and for museums

share examples of how museums are engaging with this trend

suggest how museums might respond

Purchase in Print: $9.95

The Future of Financial Sustainability

Cover of the TrendsWatch Financial Sustainability issueEarned Revenue | Charitable Income | Government Funding | Capital (including income derived from financial investments)

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Executive summary: Free
Download as PDF: Free to members* ($10 for non-members)

*Make sure to log in to your AAM account prior to purchasing to receive this free version.

Cover graphic for TrendsWatch 2019 with a person standing in the lower right corner looking at the words "TrendsWatch 2019" with graphic images of shapes above.

Truth, Trust, and Fake News | Blockchain | Decolonization | Homelessness and Housing Insecurity | Self-Care

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Purchase in Print: $15.00
Executive summary: Free
Download as PDF: Free to members ($10 for non-members)
Museums and Trust: video and discussion guide: $50

TrendsWatch 2018

Cover of the 2018 Trendswatch reportTrendsWatch 2018: the Scenario Edition presents four stories of potential futures to help museums come up with creative solutions to the central challenge: how can we create a world informed and enriched by thriving museums? How can museums thrive, in the face of diverse forces of change? Each scenario provides guidance for structuring conversations around these playful provocations, prompting readers and planning teams to ask questions that can help guide your strategic planning.

Purchase in Print: $5.95
Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2017

Cover of TrendsWatch 2017 with a large tree-like structure looming out of the water with a city scape in the background.Empathy | Criminal Justice Reform | Artificial Intelligence | Migration and Refugees | Agile Design

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Purchase in Print: $5.95
Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2016

Labor 3.0 | The Spectrum of Ability | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality | The Struggle over Representation & Identity | Happiness

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Purchase in Print: $5.95
Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2015

Cover image of TrendsWatch 2015 with a nautilus shaped structure shown above and below water.Open Data | Ethical Consumerism | Personalization | Rising Sea Levels | Wearable Technology | Slow Culture

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Purchase in Print: $5.95
Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2014

Social Entrepreneurship | Multisensory Experiences | Big Data | Privacy | The Sharing Economy | Robots

 is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Purchase in Print: $7.95
Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2013

Philanthropy | 3-D Printing | Microcredentialing | The Internet of Things | Disconnecting from Digital Experiences | The Urban Renaissance

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Download as PDF: Free

TrendsWatch 2012

Crowdsourcing | Threats to Nonprofit Status | Mobile, Pop-up Experiences | Alternate Funding | Creative Aging | Augmented Reality | New Educational Era

TrendsWatch is the CFM’s annual forecasting report. Each edition summarizes emerging trends identified through CFM’s research.

Download as PDF: Free

Looking for a publication such as Exhibition or Museum Magazine? See all Alliance publications here.

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AAM Member-Only Content

AAM Members get exclusive access to premium digital content including:

  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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AAM Member-Only Content

AAM Members get exclusive access to premium digital content including:

  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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