Toolkits & Guides

Speaking Up: Museum Advocacy in Action

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Why and How to Use this Toolkit

You don’t have to be in Washington, DC, to make the case for museums. Your voice matters.

When you make advocacy a habit, you create a win-win situation for your museum and the field. Engaging in regular advocacy means building relationships with community leaders and promoting all the ways in which your museum is essential to your community. This better positions you to have a favorable impact on local, state, or federal policies that affect your museum and to identify opportunities and recognize threats to your funding or public support before they arise. Your efforts also bolster the work AAM does on a national scale to articulate the value of all museums every day.

Use the advocacy tools in this toolkit to join the cause and Speak Up for Museums!

With this toolkit, you will:

  • Learn how to make the case for your institution
  • Build your advocacy skills
  • Learn where to find and how to share critical data about your institution and your community
  • Engage your board in advocacy
  • Use the tools provided to build relationships with your legislators

This toolkit provides a support structure that will guide you in making day-to-day decisions and setting future plans for your advocacy.

What is included

Learn about the key components in building your year-round advocacy.

You will receive:


  • Year-round advocacy plan
  • Getting to Know Your Legislators
  • Economic Impact Statement
  • Educational Impact Statement


  • Letter to Senators: Support Funding for IMLS Office of Museum Services
  • Letter to Representatives: Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum


  • Museums as Economic Engines
  • Museums and Public Opinion (Excerpt)


  • Meeting with Your Legislator

Take a peek at the full table of contents.

Decorative Speaking Up: Toolkit Year round advocacy planDecorative



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  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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