Toolkits & Guides

Strategic Foresight Toolkit


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Why and how to use this toolkit

This new resource provides a comprehensive introduction to strategic foresight—a vital skill set that enables individuals and organizations to anticipate change, craft effective plans, and shape the future they want to see.

Enhanced with worksheets, slide presentations, and games, the AAM Strategic Foresight Toolkit can help you in building your own foresight skills. The toolkit can help organizations train staff in the basic tools of futurism and integrate foresight into planning and operations.

The toolkit exercises can be tailored to suit a variety of needs, including:

  • Professional development
  • Staff enrichment
  • Board education
  • Strategic planning
  • Creative brainstorming sessions
  • Building connection within teams
  • Livening up meetings

It includes suggestions for integrating activities into staff and board meetings, planning team meetings, and ongoing operations. The material can be mined to create interactions as short as a five-minute warmup exercise, to a full-day workshop. Most of the exercises are suitable for one- to two-hour “deep dives.”

Because time is always in short supply, and because museum work is dogged by stress and burnout, these exercises are also designed to be playful, restorative, and invigorating, giving participants the opportunity to exercise their imagination and creativity and recharge their brains.

Embedded in the ongoing work of an organization, strategic foresight provides a powerful assist to strategic planning, helping the staff and board to identify critical risks and opportunities, and to avoid being blindsided by disruption. Used on their own, the toolkit exercises can be used to enliven meetings, warm up people’s creativity and imagination prior to brainstorming, or build connections within teams. These exercises foster “futures literacy” that can instill a habit of futures thinking to feed informed and thoughtful planning and decision-making.

What is included

  • A comprehensive text that provides an overview of strategic foresight, an introduction to four foresight practices, and instructions for games and exercises.
  • Eight slide decks to guide individuals or groups through the foresight exercises
  • Six worksheets to complement the assignments
  • Materials to support two foresight games
  • Two sets of scenarios

Take a peek at the full table of contents.

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AAM Members: $50

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  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
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  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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