Facilities & Risk Management
Museums need to consider elements of DEAI in all areas of museum practice, including in facilities & risk management.
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
The U.S. Department of Justice shares 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessible design.
The American with Disabilities Act National Network provides information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Document Portal. Museums can find personalized resources and assistance through one of the ten regional centers located through the United States.
The Art Institute of Chicago provides a webpage devoted to its accessible programs and services.
The Bullock Museum provides a webpage about its accessible programs and services, including website accessibility guides.
Graphic Artists Guild Foundation provides graphics package of 12 major access symbols, available online or on computer disk, designed to help organizations better advertise their accessible programs and facilities.
The New York Transit Museum provides a webpage devoted to its accessible services.
Center for Universal Design shares articles on what universal design is and how organizations can use this system to make sites more accessible.
The Portland Art Museum provides a webpage devoted to its accessible services.
Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title II and Title III
The U.S. Department of Justice provides fact sheets summarizing the changes to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations effective March 2011.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum provides a webpage devoted to its accessible services.
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Whitney Museum of American Art provides a webpage devoted to its accessible services.