Accreditation & Excellence Programs

Apply to the Museum Assessment Program

The MAP application deadline is February 15, 2025.

Follow this process to apply to the Museum Assessment Program:

  1. Confirm your museum is eligible to participate.
  2. Review MAP costs, process and schedule and ensure your museum has the time, resources, capacity, and buy-in to undertake an assessment.
  3. Choose your Assessment Type and verify that you meet any special additional eligibility requirements.
  4. Read the Application FAQs and use the links included to download the Sample Application to use for planning and drafting your response to application questions.
  5. The Application FAQs also include access to the online application form. You will enter your contact information and then receive a link to the full online application via email. You will then be able to complete sections of the application, save them, and then return to the application later by clicking the “Save” button available at the bottom of each page. By clicking this button, you will be able to save your information and receive a unique link to return to that page in the application later to finish it. After submitting a completed application, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have any difficulties completing the application, please contact MAP staff at or 202-289-9118. 
  6. Applications will be accepted until February 15, 2025. 
  7. Look for an email notification of acceptance status 30-45 days after the application deadline. 

Want to learn more about MAP? The Insider’s Guide to MAP is an 11-minute recorded presentation covering the details about eligibility requirements, program cost, and the key components of the MAP process.

quotation marks

We are a stronger organization after completing the MAP process, and we continue to benefit from more effective communication with museum stakeholders… With a fresh sense of purpose, the board of directors has spearheaded efforts to build an acquisitions endowment that will sustainably expand the collection in the future.”

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