Working On or Managing Teams
A team is a group of people linked in common purpose. Maybe it’s your immediate staff working on an interpretive plan, a cross-departmental team redesigning the museum’s website, or …
Curatorial Chatbot: An Experiment with AI at the Nasher Museum of Art
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
CFM has explored museum applications of artificial intelligence (AI) since 2017, notably business analytics, customer service, collections data analysis, and provenance research. Today on …
Protected: Imprint Series: The Social Work of Museums
There is no excerpt because this is a prot…
Bridges from School to Work
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
This week’s guest blog post is by Kelly Pavich, employee representative and trainer at the Marriott Foundation for People with Disabilities, established in 1989 by the family of J. Willard …
“Wait, What? Toddlers in an Art Museum?”
Alliance Blog
Caitlin Mock Wilson, a mother of two young children and a Clyfford Still Museum (CSM) member, often went to museums with her parents as a young child. When she had her own children, she …
Museum Design 2034: Respite and Retreat
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
This is the third installment of a series of “stories from the future” illustrating how museum practitioners can use trends data as a jumping off point for exploring potential futures. …
What If Educators Ran a Museum?
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
I’ve been intrigued by the El Segundo Museum of Art since I first read about it in the Los Angeles Times when the museum opened in 2013. That article emphasized ESMoA’s focus on arts …
Labor of Love: Revaluing Museum Work
This post was originally published on Medium, December 20, 2017. Over the last few years, museum workers have been increasingly vocal about job dissatisfaction. At the 2015 American …
From the Ground Up: A Toolkit for Starting a Museum
Get your copy today! Why and how to use this toolkit People wish to start museums for many different reasons, such as the desire to share their passion with others, to preserve treasured …
What Museums Can Learn from Amanda Palmer
Center for the Future of Museums Blog
On the way to New Zealand in the spring of 2016, I started reading Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking. I thought of it as “me time” reading, and as such it was relegated to snippets of time …