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A Bundle of Museum Collections Management Forms

Download templates for: an acquisition proposal form, accession form, donor questionnaire, deed of gift, bequest pledge form, cataloging worksheet, condition report form, deaccession form, …

Museum Design 2034: Respite and Retreat

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
This is the third installment of a series of “stories from the future” illustrating how museum practitioners can use trends data as a jumping off point for exploring potential futures. …

Staying in Touch: Addressing Concerns to Allow Tactile Exploration at Museums

Category: Alliance Blog
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new norms that discourage touching all manner of objects to curtail the spread of the virus. However, when public spaces reopen, understandable concern …

Throwback Thursday: Revisiting the Ransolm

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
CFM’s latest forecasting report, TrendsWatch 2014, has been out a month now, and I have been getting great feedback. The magic chip reports the paper has been opened over 1,700 times. …

Bridges from School to Work

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
This week’s guest blog post is by Kelly Pavich, employee representative and trainer at the Marriott Foundation for People with Disabilities, established in 1989 by the family of J. Willard …

Virtual Programs for Children—What Do Parents Want Now?

Category: Alliance Blog
After of year of chaos, anguish, and reflection, the world is entering a new phase—perhaps “post-pandemic,” maybe the “new normal”—it will take a while to settle on the right label. Last …

Chatting About Museums with ChatGPT

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Two months ago, the research and development lab OpenAI released ChatGPT, an interactive “chatbot” powered by artificial intelligence. Chatbots aren’t new (I’ve been writing about …

Questioning Assumptions: Museums in the 21st Century

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
I hope you have been following my posts on the Forecast of the Future of Museum Ethics being conducted by CFM and the Institute for Museum Ethics at Seton Hall University. CFM and IME staff …

A Roadmap for Equity

Category: Museum Magazine
The Tucson Museum of Art is seeking institutional change through its IDEA plan. This article originally appeared in the January/February, 2021 issue of Museum magazine, a benefit of …

Abstract Art, Concrete Goals

Category: Museum Magazine
The Des Moines Art Center diversified its audience—and educated its staff—with an exhibition on queer abstraction that transformed the frame of reference for its cause. This article …

Glimpses of the Ethical Future

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Today’s guest post is by Sally Yerkovich, director of the Institute of Museum Ethics at Seton Hall University and instigator of the Forecast on the Future of Museum Ethics. You can catch up …

The Third Rail of Museum Ethics: Selling Collections to Pay for…What?

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Is it ethical for a museum to use the money it gets from selling collections to fund general operations? How about using the proceeds from the sale for “preservation” (the term used by …

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