an adult and child looking at a sculpture in a museum

Development & Membership

Development and membership are critical functions of all nonprofit charitable organizations, including museums, by helping to secure their financial positions through philanthropic and charitable support. Browse hundreds of resources for development and membership professionals below.


Core Standards

Financial Stability

Financial stability is a core standard for museums in that they must legally, ethically, and responsibly acquire, manage, and allocate their financial resources in a way that advances their missions and promotes their long-term sustainability

Learn more about this core standard and access guidelines for developing and managing your museum’s business and navigating individual donor support, fundraising, and retrenchment or downsizing.

an adult roaring at a child in front of a dinosaur skeleton

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Recent Book Titles

Storytelling in Museums
Partnership Power: Essential Museum Strategies for Today's Networked World
Creating Great Visitor Experiences
Museum Finance
Cities, Museums and Soft Power
The Inclusive Museum Leader

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  • Featured articles from Museum magazine
  • Access to more than 1,500 resource listings from the Resource Center
  • Tools, reports, and templates for equipping your work in museums
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