two elderly people walking through an exhibit

Public Programming

Museums produce public programming to provide dynamic activities and experiences that deepen understanding of their missions, exhibitions, and research. Through a range of formats, from lectures to hands-on workshops, public programs serve people with many different interests and learning styles, which helps engage a wider cross-section of the community. Browse dozens of resources on public programming below.

A decorative scene with four blocks each with a different image, and a circle with corresponding lightening like strikes running from the center outward.

REOPENINGS: What Museums Learned Leading through Crisis


In this report, we look at how the pandemic forced museums to reconsider how they approach their role as community anchors at a moment of crisis. Through case studies, data, and multimedia, we highlight those museums whose pivots used the crisis as an opportunity to work with their communities, and be a reflection of the neighborhoods and people they serve.

an adult roaring at a child in front of a dinosaur skeleton

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A guide to making the museum experience
Creating Great Visitor Experiences
Making Dinosaurs Dance
Museum Accessibility by Design
Designing for Empathy
Family Spaces in Art Museums

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